
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sweet baby feet

My pregnancies with both of my boys were so very different which was surprising to me at the time and still is now.  Not only were they almost exactly two years to the day apart (so it's not like I was drastically older) but they were both boys.  I have heard that some people feel like there is a huge difference between carrying boys and girls but for me it was very different with two babies of the same gender. 

My pregnancy with Caleb was pretty eventful.  It seemed like every time we were at the doctor's office, they found one more (small) thing of concern which led to another appointment to check it, and another, and another.  My whole pregnancy with him probably needs another post itself.  Caleb was born two weeks early and weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces.  Because the trend is that second babies are born earlier than first babies, I expected Eli to be born early too.  That indeed was not the case.  We welcomed sweet baby Eli into the world 3 days LATE at 9 pounds, 1 ounce.  Wowza. 

To say we were shocked would be an understatement.  No one, including the doctor's had expected him to be quite that big.  In fact, after he was born, the baby scale was being used by another delivery team. As we waited for it to become available, the small group of nurses and doctors in my room were taking guesses on how big he was based on his appearance.  We all guessed around 8 pounds or so, but we were very wrong.  He sure didn't look that big because he's also pretty long and we loved (love) every little adorable ounce of him.

Eli continues to grow on pace with his weight and height and he's Mommy's big boy.  At our two month well baby check-up, our doctor mentioned that she thought his feet looked like they turned in a little too much and referred us to an orthopedic specialist.  To be honest, I had never really noticed a problem.  I've always felt that babies are pretty flexible, especially as newborns, so we (and the rest of my family) thought his feet looked normal and I wasn't too concerned.  We took him to the specialist in March and he explained to us that Eli's feet are indeed turned in too much. He said he has a very common problem called 'metatarsus adductus'.  He explained to us that because he was such a big baby, he actually ran out of room in my belly to grow.  He showed us how he must have placed his feet to create more room for himself and by doing that, his feet grew a little more turned in than they should have.

The doctor showed us some physical therapy stretches to do with him as many times as we can a day.  The idea is that we can try to stretch out that ligament in his foot which right now is so tight that it prevents his foot from straightening completely. Hopefully, as the ligament is stretched, his foot will begin to correct itself and grow properly.  He said it is a slight problem and the stretches should help.  We have to return to see him mid-May so he can check his feet again.  Hopefully the stretches will have done their job but if not, he may have to wear a cast to correct them.  I'm not entirely sure for how long he would have to wear it but I figured that it wasn't worth worrying myself until we reached that bridge. 

I'm a pretty hardcore worrier so to say I haven't been anxious about this situation would be a complete lie.  It's hard to tell at this point if the stretches are helping.  Eli certainly does stretch his foot out straight when he is playing but then returns it to the regular position also.  I'm not even sure if the specialist expects the problem to be fixed by our next appointment, or if just by having it improve we can avoid the cast.  I know that this is not the worst problem in the world by any means and that if he does need a cast, catching it now as opposed to when he tries to walk is a good thing.  However, I'm sure no mother wishes for their child to have any health concerns including having to wear a cast.  We see his pediatrician next week for his 4 month well-baby check and I hope that she can give us some insight on if they look a little better than they did. So for now, we continue to do the stretches as often as we can and we pray that no further medical intervention is needed. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Meal Planning

I am a HUGE meal planner.  If you know me, you know that I am a planner in life by nature and this part of my life is no exception.  I love to cook so you will hardly ever find store-bought frozen meals on my dinner table.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just get my jollies by cooking and baking.  If I don't meal plan, I've found that not only do we spend more money but we also eat more unhealthy things.  That was completely my downfall in both of my pregnancies.  I had some crazy bad morning sickness (in the afternoon and evening) and never knew what I would be able to stomach that night.  We stopped at the grocery store every evening and that is exactly what happened.  I'm not saying we are completely clean eaters or don't cook with things like cheese or oil, we do.  However, we try to use it in moderation and where possible try to cut calories by using skim milk, low fat cheese, ground turkey, etc.

When I meal plan, I try to do it at a time of day when I'm not starving so that I make sure to include healthy meals on our list.  For some reason when I'm meal planning when I'm starving?  All I can think of are carbs, carbs, carbs!  I try to make sure we have veggies every night either as part of the main dish or as a side.  Friday nights are usually our nights to eat out or to order take out.  Sometimes if we are visiting family or friends on Saturdays then we eat out then too, but most of the time we eat at home.  Sort of by choice and also by necessity with two young children.

I use my crock pot with a timer when I can, but during the week we are usually gone for too long and meat gets too dry sitting on warm.  I'm always game to try a new recipe (especially those that are quick and easy for weeknights so I can spend more time playing with my boys!). I love using Pinterest to find recipes and follow several foodie blogs.  I'm also pretty lucky to have married a man who is pretty adventurous with foods he eats and is not even the slightest bit picky.  So far, our toddler seems to have followed suit which is great news for me.

Caleb loves to help me in the kitchen which I adore.  He sits on the counter with me, dumps in ingredients, and helps mix things.  I hope he continues to like helping his Momma with cooking as he grows up.  Future chef perhaps?

I'll definitely work on some upcoming posts with our favorite recipes but for now, here are some of my favorite recipe blogs.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Treasure Each Moment

I decided to call this blog 'Treasure Each Moment' to remind myself in particular to do just that.  It's so easy when things are crazy, to wish for bedtime, wish for this phase to pass, wish for the week to be over.  I can be very guilty of that sometimes.  It's only after I had my second baby and looked back on the milestones reached with my first that I really realized how very fast it was going. 

We're in a 'phase' right now with Eli where he is waking up multiple times a night. Whether it's to eat because he's actually hungry or because he needs comfort I'm not exactly sure.  As I was sitting with him at midnight, then 4, then 4:40 this morning, I kept trying to remind myself that it really doesn't matter why he's awake.  For some reason, he needs me and I know without a doubt that someday I will miss this.  Maybe not so much the lack of sleep, but his need for me.  This time when Daddy doesn't cut it.  When I sit late at night/early in the morning rocking/nursing him to sleep and patting his back.

Caleb is a typical two year old and can go from being sweet as pie to being a cranky, patience-waring little boy in a split second.  There are evenings when I feel like if I have to say "Caleb, stop laying on your brother please." or "Caleb, it's nice you want to share your toys but Eli doesn't need them pushed in his face" or even "Caleb, Eli can't eat big people food yet he only drinks his special milk remember?"  just one more time.....  I try to remember that it's absolutely wonderful that he loves his brother so much (sometimes too much!) and someday we will for sure miss this.  When they are older and busier, I pray that they stay close and are friends but it will probably be never quite like this. 

Even with Josh and I, we constantly crave a moment together.  Time and energy to actually watch a movie on a Friday night without one of us falling asleep.  Being able to eat a hot meal together (gasp!).  But again, someday when it's just us again (sob.....) we're going to wish we were interrupted by a chattering toddler/sweet baby and the house will seem too quiet.  Sometimes when I call my mom after work, I can't get her because she and my dad are out to eat or at a movie.  I tell her it is like they are 18 again!  No one to answer to and complete freedom.  She reminds me that it can be lonely....and that I can believe.

So, every day I hope that just the title of this blog serves as a reminder to me that the days are short and as everyone says, children grow up WAY too fast.  Treasure the moment Amy because in the grand scheme of it all, when we look back, everything is only a moment.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The beginning....

So... I finally did it.  Finally started a blog.  More for me I think than anyone else.  I've spent years wishing I had blogged through my wedding planning, through my first pregnancy, through my baby's first year of life, and through my second pregnancy.  I constantly think about what I was feeling then.  The excitement, the nerves, the joy, and the hard times.  So now I have somewhere to write it all down for me to remember and to look back on. 

I hope to update often but life with two little ones is often times a circus and things fall to the side.  You know things like frequent hair cuts, pedicures, and reading something that is not a children's book are luxuries that come few and far between.   What can I say?  I am definitely a mom.  :)

A little background info for those reading who don't know me personally.  My name is Amy.  I am married to a wonderful man named Josh.  We've been married for almost 4 years and together for almost 9.  We have two beautiful boys.  Caleb is 2 and Eli is 3.5 months old.  I work full-time right now although I would LOVE nothing more than to be able to stay home with my boys.  We'll see.  Our life is crazy, but wonderful and we are so blessed. 

To be honest, I have no idea how to work Blogger at this point so it could be rough goings for awhile.  Like other things though, if I put it off until I actually know what I am doing?  It will NEVER get done.  

Stick around a while?  

**Disclaimer: This blog is for me to write about my life in.  My thoughts are my own and are not meant to offend or insult anyone.  If you are coming here to judge or make rude comments about me or my family- this blog is not for you.  No rudeness or inappropriate comments will be tolerated. Thank you! **